Babul Meaning – Hindu Baby Names

Babul name meaning

Babul is a Hindu Boy name and it is Hindi originated name with multiple meanings. Babul name meaning is A Tree; Lord Shiva; Gate of God; Father. Babul name popularity and rank stands at 15791 among 29430 Hindu names.

Name Babul
Gender Boy
Meaning A Tree; Lord Shiva; Gate of God; Father
Origin Hindi
Lucky # 2

Babul name meaning in Hindu

Babul is a Hindu Boy name and it is an Hindi originated name with multiple meanings. Babul name meaning is a tree; lord shiva; gate of god; father and the lucky number associated with is 2. Find all the relevant details about the meaning, origin, lucky number and religion is available in this page. This name meaning has been searched 2780 two thousand seven hundred and eighty times till 03 June, 2020.

Name gives you identification in the world and you carry this identification from cradle to grave. Parents therefore, pay immense attention to choose a suitable name for their new born. You can find Babul under “B” list, and there are 807 more names in this list.

This is one of the unique and popular names with impressive meaning. You can find Babul name meaning in Urdu and English, as well as other languages. Names similar to are also listed here and can even listen to the audio on this page to understand the actual pronunciation of the name.

This information is enough to give a clear idea about the name. The level of popularity and rating of this name is also presented here.

1) What is the lucky number of Babul?

The lucky number associated with the name Babul is "2".

2) What is the meaning of Babul?

The meaning of name Babul is "a tree; lord shiva; gate of god; father".

3) What is the name lenght of Babul?

The Name Babul consists of 5 alphabets.

4) What is the religion of Babul name?

The religion of the name Babul is Hindu.

5) What is the meaning of Babul in Urdu?

Babul name meaning in Urdu is "NULL"

6) What is the origin of Babul name?

The origin of the name Babul is Hindi.

7) Babul naam ka matlab/ mane kia hai?

Babul naam ka matlab/ mane ha "NULL"

Numerology details of name Babul

Numerology Number 2
Destiny Number 2
Inner Dream Number 7
Soul Urge Number
(Heart’s Desire or Motivation Number)
Personality Number 7

Astrology details of name Babul

Nakshatra Rohini (O, Va, Ba, Vi, Bi, Vu, Bu)
Rasi Taurus / Vrishabha (I, Ee, Ei, Eh, U, Oo, Ae, Ai, E, Oh, Ou, Va, Ba, Bee, Bi, Vee, Wee, Vi, Wi, Vu, Voo, Wu, Bu, Boo, Woo, Vey, Vay, Way, Wey, Be, Bay, Veh, Weh, Beh, Vo, Wo, Bo)

Personality details of name Babul

Ruling Planet Moon
Positive Nature Loving and Persuasive
Negative Traits Stressful and Selfish
Lucky Colours White, green, cream and lavender
Lucky Days Sunday and Monday
Lucky Stones White Pearl
Harmony Numbers 1,2,4 7
Problematic Numbers 8
Best Suited Professions Sailors and a part of the Navy
Health Issues Breathing problems like asthma
What people would generally like about you? Can understand people’s minds while talking
What people would generally dislike about you? Moody Person and that affects decision making