How to increase the processing speed of your brain? Let’s Find Out

Mansik Fitness Kise Badhaye

When it comes to human mind, even though computers are closest to us, increasing the brain’s processing power is not as easy as bashing a stick in the computer’s RAM (RAM). When neurologists and neuroscientists discuss the processing speed of the brain, they refer to the time a person takes a new information, reaches a decision on it, and then In his reaction it takes to decide its action. According to this definition, the secret to improving processing speed lies in making stronger connections in the brain, which allows the brain signal to reach higher speeds. Although most of this type of brain formation occurs in childhood, you can take some special measures to maintain and improve the processing speed of your brain.

Adopting a mind-friendly lifestyle (Developing a Brain-Healthy Lifestyle)

Perform a substantial amount of aerobic exercise:

The processing speed of the brain we think of is the movement of electrical signals between axons, and wire connections connecting different parts of the brain. The white matter of the brain is made of these wires, and they are fed by blood vessels, which means that the axon vascular problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure make the axon its essential food ie Can starve from oxygen and glucose.  Therefore, keeping fit and accelerating the processing speed, staying fit and doing aerobic exercise is the first advice a neurologist will give you.

  • The routine cardio routine is linked to the birth of a new neuron in the part of the brain called the hippocampus. Explain here that the hippocampus is the part of the brain that is important for knowledge and processing.

Eat proper food:

Brain health is on par with physical health. Along with the right amount of exercise, you also have to eat a balanced diet. If you want, you can focus on such special food, which is related to mental health, like;

  • Blueberries – Blueberries are full of antioxidants, meaning they can protect the brain from oxidative stress and reduce the effects of age-related things. The intention is to eat one cup of blueberries daily. Other foods rich in antioxidants also include pomegranate juice and dark chocolate.
  • Wild salmon – Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for brain activity, and are abundant in deep-water fish, such as salmon, small sardine and hilsa. Eat them two to three times a week according to 4 ounces in a meal.
  • Almonds and Grain – Nuts and seeds contain vitamin E, which is helpful in fighting deterioration in ability to learn with age. Try to take it one ounce a day.
  • Avocados – Avocados are extremely helpful in preventing pulse related problems like high blood pressure and good blood circulation is essential for a healthy brain. Avocado has high fat content, so eat only half of it in a day.

Get enough sleep every night:

The US National Institutes of Health recommends adults sleep for 7 to 8 hours and teenagers 9 hours a day.  When you are sleepy, the brain creates new circuits, and studies have shown that adequate amount of sleep helps to improve reading skills and memory. Sleep helps the body repair the arteries of the heart and blood, they give energy to the white tissues of the brain ie white matter.

How to Be Mentally Positive

  • Lack of sleep — For many nights, 1-2 hours of sleep can have a profound effect on the time a person reacts to an event and the processing speed. Studies show that such people take a long time to finish work. 
  • Long-term sleep deprivation has been associated with pulse problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure, which results in a lack of blood and oxygen in the axon of the brain.