How to forget someone you loved so much

One of the most exciting, rewarding and satisfying experiences of all our emotions is love. Then whether it is love for family, friends, a child or romantic love, it is a shared human adventure. Even though a person feels very good at the peak of love, but when it is time to get away from their loved one, that person can feel great pain. Whether it is time to move forward in life, or the time to leave the old relationship behind and move forward, grief is a part. One should accept the curative quality of time by expressing sorrow for what has been lost. Recognize your emotional limits, but do not isolate yourself after someone leaves, forgetting that and try to emerge from that grief.

Understand the five stages of grief: All these stages can be more purely described as chakras. You can skip the steps without ever experiencing other steps, but you can find yourself trapped in these steps. But perhaps you may experience some or all of these steps over and over again. These steps are:

  • Denial and Isolation: This phase involves denying the reality of the situation. It is a natural response to the extreme pain caused by grief.
  • Anger: This phase emerges when the rejected pain begins to appear. Anger may manifest towards inanimate objects, strangers, family, or friends. You may feel anger towards a person who has died or who has left you, and you may feel guilty in the latter for expressing anger.
  • Bargaining: At this stage, you may feel that you need to gain control to feel helpless. You may feel anxious about whether you should have already become a better person, or you should have already asked for help, etc.
  • Sadness: This phase involves despair and remorse that comes from realizing that your loved one has now gone through your life. You may feel heavy despair, cry, etc.
  • Acceptance: This step can be described by reaching a state of calm and withdrawal. Some people probably never reached this stage of grief.