Loose Vagina : How To Tighten This and More

Yoni Me Kasav Kasie Laye

Stretching of the vaginal muscles is actually a major problem for many women. This is a very uncomfortable, awkward and frank talk. Due to this, the self-esteem of women also decreases due to reduced stimulation during sexual intercourse. Pregnancy and childbirth are the main causes of vaginal loosening.

Indian amla, in particular, is considered the best natural remedy for tightening the walls of the vagina. Amla is also beneficial for skin, hair and health.  Take 10 to 12 gooseberries and boil them. Its elements will be mixed with water. Fill this extract in a bottle and keep it in a dry place. Apply this mixture in your vaginal area before bathing. Doing this every day brings your vaginal muscles tight and flexible.

Aloe vera is a very good home remedy for tightening the walls of the vagina. Fresh Gel of Aloe vera helps in strengthening the muscles of the vagina.  Take one stalk of aloe vera and remove the gels from it. Apply two spoons of fresh gels daily to the internal and external parts of the vagina. Massage the skin of the affected area. Regeneration properties found in aloe vera effectively strengthen the muscles present in that area by preventing loosening of the vaginal wall.

It is a  ginger like plant which has a surprising effect on the vagina. Regular use of curcuma comosa prevents the vaginal wall from spreading as well as helps in reducing many other vaginal problems.

Remove the juice of the root of curcuma comosa and apply it on your genitals with soft hands. You will feel better results within a month.

Wild yam is extremely popular for removing breast enlargement and vaginal loosening. Phytoestrogens present in the extract of the roots of this plant stimulate the process of tissue regeneration in the pelvic and genital areas. Applying this extract on the walls of the vagina gives them strength.

Majufal (Manjakani) is basically a Thai herb widely practiced for vaginal tightening. It has tree bark alkali (Tannins), phytoestrogens and contractility properties that work together on the vaginal muscles and make them more flexible. For better results, apply ointment of ointment in the vaginal area daily before bathing.

It is juice extracted from the leaves and bark of the hazel plant. Witch hazel is considered an effective home remedy to relieve vaginal loosening. Firstly grind dry bark into powder form. Then mix it in water and make a solution. Clean your genitals once a week with its help. Witch hazel is effective in removing vaginal loosening due to its contractility properties.

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Black cohosh is also a type of plant that provides some degree of toning (tightening) to the vagina. It contains high levels of phytoestrogens which play an important role in strengthening the vaginal muscles. Make extracts from the water of this plant and apply it on your genitals daily. This method of vaginal tightening is considered useful for women above 40 years of age.

You may not get much benefit by adopting these home remedies as not every treatment can be equally effective on every woman’s body. If this happens, you can contact a doctor or take some other proven exercises like kegel exercises (to work on the muscles of the pelvic area), vaginal tightening products, etc.