Is the sweet, sour and bitter taste related to health?

We believe that the taste of the tongue can be used as an important reference for diagnosis.

Acid is commonly found in people with spleen deficiency and liver fire, and clinical gastritis and digestion Most patients with tract ulcers. If you measure the saliva of patients with acid, you can find that the lactic acid and phosphatase are higher than normal people.

Some people feel salty no matter what food they eat for a period of time. Chinese medicine attributed the salty taste to the kidneys. Clinically, it is commonly seen in patients with neurosis, chronic nephritis, and chronic pharyngitis due to insufficient kidney yin and weak kidney yang. At this time, the saliva of the patient is measured, and it can be seen that the content of sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium increases, and the pH value is more alkaline.

Some people think that even the best food can be boring Found in patients with chronic spleen and stomach deficiency, they often suffer from digestive diseases such as enteritis and dysentery. In addition, postoperative patients with poor appetite will also feel that the tongue is light and tasteless. Patients with severe light breath are not sensitive to sweet, sour, bitter, and salty tastes, and the beginning of taste generally rises.

Sweet ancients are called “spleen, hot, and sweet”. Modern medicine proves that the dysfunction of the digestive system can cause abnormal secretion of various enzymes, and the increase of amylase content in saliva can decompose starch into glucose, stimulate the taste buds on the tongue and feel sweet. And the diabetic patients have a sweet taste, which mostly means that the blood sugar is increased and should be paid attention to.

The only organ that can produce a bitter taste in the bitter body is the gallbladder, so there is a saying that “the liver is hot, and the gallbladder releases bitterness.” In modern medicine, it is mostly acute inflammation, and the most prominent manifestation is liver and gallbladder diseases. Cancer patients also feel bitter when they eat sweet food.

In addition, the abnormal taste is also related to factors such as lack of sleep, climate change, mood, smoking and drinking, and oral inflammation.